Digital Dealer

Flick Fusion Upcoming Auto Industry Events

At Flick Fusion we strive to educate dealers about the importance of integrating video into your marketing strategy and customer communications. We do this through our blogs – featured by Digital Dealer, AutoSuccess– and other sites, in addition to webinars and in-person educational events.

Our goal is to provide quality education to dealers throughout the year. It is our belief that you can never stop learning. And the simple fact is that video will help dealerships engage more customers and sell more cars!

Here is a sneak peek at some upcoming events in 2022 that we have scheduled:

March 11-13NADA Show: In Las Vegas, Nevada, you can find us at booth #1902W where you can learn about Nucleus –all a dealership needs to start, grow and excel at video marketing. We were Named as one of the “Best of the Best at NADA 2022” by AutoSuccess, Magazine. Stop by and see how to take your dealership to the next level!

May 9-13 – Tampa Convention Center: Have you ever been to an American Express Lounge in an Airport? In Tampa, Florida, we have our very own Hospitality Suite conveniently located within the Tampa Convention Center and adjacent to the Digital Dealer Conference! You don’t need an American Express card to come in. If you are in Tampa at this time, attending the Digital Dealer conference, or one of the other conferences at the Convention Center during this time, stop by and see us. Kick back, relax, charge your electronics, have some refreshments on us and meet our team! Our Hospitality Suite will be open throughout the day, so stop by and enjoy!

As a bonus, join us right outside the Convention Center at the pavilion, The Sail Plaza, for some refreshments on May 9th from 5pm-9pm right on the water! As one of Tampa’s most popular waterfront hangouts, you don’t want to miss the atmosphere and networking this event promises – and is open to all automotive dealership personnel and automotive dealership vendors!

June 10-12 – We’re proud to support the Montana Auto Dealers Association at their 108th Annual Convention as Platinum sponsors! We’ve always loved Montana and having the opportunity to present more information and knowledge about the power of video marketing to its dealers is great! Enjoy a round of golf (don’t forget to find our tee sponsorship) and visit us at our booth in the Expo Hall!

August 4-7 – Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in August? One of the most beautiful destinations and venues, the Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort, is the perfect place for an event. Right on the beach with waterparks and many activities. It is the perfect place to bring your family while you join us at the Unfair Advantage Automotive Mastermind Group (UAAMG), hosted by the Carolinas Independent Automobile Dealers Association (CIADA. It is the 67th Annual Convention for both North and South Carolina Independent dealers. Part of the educational content is one day of UAAMG during the convention.

This full-day UAAMG interactive class focuses on what dealers want to discuss and everyone participates! Not only will we have a booth at UAAMG but our COO, Tim James, will be co-moderating and speaking! Then, as icing on the cake, we’ll be joining the CIADA Expo on Day 2 with a booth for a second opportunity for dealers to learn about the power of video marketing!

And this is just for the first half of 2022! Stay tuned for the second half, we’re just getting started! We look forward to seeing you at these events.

Five Critical Micro-Moments for a Successful Video Marketing Strategy

In a recent study titled “Winning the Moments Before Your Dealership,” Google outlined five critical moments buyers encounter on their online journey to your dealership. For any marketing strategy, ensuring that you are in front of potential customers is imperative to maximizing its effectiveness. The same goes for video marketing. In video marketing you have to ensure that you don’t fall into the trap of simply creating videos that are ineffective, which nobody will ever watch, or which are irrelevant to what you do. Knowing the type of video, along with the correct message that will attract customers and continue to guide them along the path which ends at your dealership, is what matters and will bring sales.

Google’s five critical micro-moments are decision-based and centered on where that buyer is in the car buying funnel.

They are:

  1. Which car is best?
  2. Is it right for me?
  3. Can I afford it?
  4. Where should I buy it?
  5. Am I getting a deal?

Understanding these micro-moments and applying them to broadcast video content so it engages customers, is something every dealership should do — not just for your video marketing, but for every digital marketing channel you participate in.

If you can tailor video to those moments you’re much more likely to guide customers down the “yellow brick road” that ends at your dealership, avoiding any encounters with the Wicked Witch (your competition), which could end badly for you (meaning your customer ends up at your competition).

For those of you that haven’t yet taken the plunge into video marketing, knowing HOW and WHAT TYPE of video content to produce, along with WHERE to put it, and WHY it’s important, will get you dealership off to a great start.

Of course, you won’t know what’s working and what’s not without the data to show you. We’re in an era of data-driven marketing and now have the information to make decisions based on real-time actions — to then take that data and entice and convince customers that, in each micro-moment, your dealership is the one they should choose.

And believe me, folks… it works.

Consumers today are far more likely to watch a video than they are to read or look at the 40 or more pictures a dealership has on its VDPs, whether that’s a vehicle walk-around, dealership introduction, or a personal branding video message. By simply HAVING video, you are ahead of the game. Through learning and embracing these micro-moments, along with producing relevant videos that are part of a larger video strategy designed to capitalize on these decision-making moments, you’ll be leaps and bounds in front of your competition.

Join me at the 22nd Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition on Wednesday, April 12th from 2:30-3:20 pm for my session, “Mastering Google’s Five Critical Micro-Moments with Video – Creating a “Video Marketing Strategy to Maximize the Effectiveness of ALL of Your Video Content and Deliver Measurable ROI through an Increase in Leads, Appointments, Shows and Sales.” I will show you how easy and inexpensive it is to enter the realm of video marketing. You will learn how to create a strategy and how to measure the results through accurate data while being relevant and engaging by incorporating Google’s five critical micro-moments. I look forward to seeing you in Tampa, FL.

For Car Buyers, 5 Is the Magic Number

While the consumer’s car buying journey can include upwards of 24 touchpoints, there are some particular milestone moments in that journey that can define and direct their actions. These moments are covered in a report recently released by Google’s Automotive division, “The 5 Auto Shopping Moments Every Brand Must Own.” The report states that the key moments within a car buyer’s path that every brand must be aware of and present for are:

  1. Which car is best?
  2. Is it right for me?
  3. Can I afford it?
  4. Where should I buy it?
  5. Am I getting a deal?

To truly make an impact on these shoppers throughout each stage of the car buying process, dealers need to have content which appeals to buyers, that makes those buyers desire to take action, and that helps lead them down the road to their dealership. At each stage in the process, dealerships compete for consumer eyeballs. While some dealers will rely on stock information for their vehicle descriptions, others may actually take the time to write custom comments. Some will have a limited number of photos of a vehicle, while others may include 40 or more. The problem is that, to the consumer, every vehicle is almost always one of many in a list that’s typically sorted by price.

So, you can you differentiate your Honda Civic from the thousand others for sale in a market?

Through storytelling.

Statistics show that we remember 20 percent of what we hear; 30 percent of what we see; but a whopping 70 percent of what we both see AND hear. The more of a customer’s attention you can grab, the more likely that YOUR vehicle will catch and hold their attention. Descriptions alone can’t achieve this. You’ll be lucky if they even read the whole thing. And forget about a customer flipping through 40 photos. Chances are that they will browse through a few before abandoning that VDP and moving on to the next one. And the next one may or may not be yours. The only way to maximize your shot at attracting and keeping interest is through a combination of sight and sound – and that’s where video comes in.

Video has the unique power to tell stories. Whether those stories are about the vehicle, the salesperson, the dealership, or a plethora of other topics, no other medium is as powerful.

With video, you can tailor your story to a specific person. Few marketing tools have more influence on a car shopper than a vehicle video walkaround, specifically made for that customer. Think of how much more effective an e-mail response is that contains a personalized video greeting, over the multiple canned email responses they probably receive from your competition.  Consumers aren’t stupid. They realize that these type of e-mails are not authentic responses to their inquiries. Chances are that just about every one they receive from multiple dealers contain very similar messages. Video will give your dealership the edge. The consumer can very quickly see that they have received an authentic response. And that the salesperson, or BDC rep, took the time to make a video specifically for them!

It’s time to up your game. Make an impression that is meaningful, authentic and personalized.

In my session at the 20th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition, “The Four Best Ways to Use Video: Learn a Video Marketing Strategy that Sells,” I explain just how crucial video marketing is to a dealership’s success. I will also talk about the importance of having an identified, measurable and scalable video marketing strategy. While video content doesn’t have to be difficult to produce, there is certainly more to it than simply running out and buying a camera. Join me in my session and you’ll leave knowing how to leverage the power of video to sell more cars.

Digital Dealer 18 Recap: Fusion Bombs and Video Marketing

IMG_4007As the sun sets on another Digital Dealer Conference, once again Flick Fusion is proud and honored to have participated. This spring’s conference saw a new location: Tampa, FL. We feel it was an excellent venue that offered just the right balance of hotel accommodations and some wonderful nightlife venues for dealers and attendees to learn some new best practice tips while also having a little fun.

IMG_4005Flick Fusion’s adventure began as a sponsor or the official Digital Dealer Kick-Off party on Monday night. The event itself drew over 600 RSVP’s and was a great success. Dealers and vendors had the opportunity to partake of our signature drink – the Fusion Bomb. This drink proved incredibly popular and it was great to see party goers sporting the Flick Fusion colors as part of their drinks. A live DJ kept the party hopping and the venue – Jackson’s Bistro – turned out to be an excellent venue; both for the spectacular waterfront views and delicious food.

2015-04-22 13.31.09Wednesday highlighted the prime reason that Flick Fusion attends – to educate dealers. Speaking to a packed room, perennial speaker and Flick Fusion’s VP of Sales, Tim James, educated dealers on the importance of video marketing. Attendees of the lively, highly popular session were provided with all the statistics that truly illustrate the true value of video marketing. They left with step-by-step instructions as to how to immediately implement a video marketing campaign in their stores.

2015-04-22 13.34.14If you’d like a copy of this powerful presentation, click here and fill out the contact form.

Thanks to the staff of the Digital Dealer Conference for putting on one of the best Digital Dealer Conferences ever. Feedback has been very positive from vendors and dealers alike. And thank you to all of the attendees who flocked to the exhibit hall and kept the booths packed. Also, thanks to everyone who came to see Tim James’ session. See you next time at the 19th Digital Dealer Conference in Las Vegas!

Flick Fusion at the 17th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition

The sun has set on another fantastic Digital Dealer Conference in Las Vegas and we’re extremely grateful to have been able to share our knowledge, expertise and services with the thousands of attendees. As usual, the Mirage Hotel was a great venue. The team at Digital Dealer did an excellent job managing the event with new ideas designed to facilitate operations, and unexpected surprises designed to welcome attendees. Elvis & a couple showgirls awaited registering dealers in the foyer. Of course, our VP of Sales, Tim James, couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get a quick picture.


Flick Fusion was fortunate enough to kick off the show with Tim’s session “Video Marketing Tips, Trends & Practical Uses.” A packed room of attendees learned about the importance of having a video marketing strategy, along with multiple ways to implement one. As Tim polled the audience to see who was taking real video of their inventory, those who weren’t received a wake-up call! The interactive session saw a lot of questions regarding how dealers could start and attendees left with a better understanding of the importance of video marketing in today’s world.


During exhibit hall hours, the Flick Fusion booth was continuously filled with dealers interested in hearing about our suite of products, including our latest offerings, VidMail and Timeline Marketing. We saw hundreds of dealers over the course of the show and some were so impressed that they signed up on the spot. Our Samsung Galaxy camera giveaway was a big hit especially when we demonstrated how easy it was to utilize this technology in their video marketing.


The week culminated in our VIP party co-sponsored by our friends at LiveEvent Stream Automotive. We sincerely enjoyed hosting the many dealers who attended and had an excellent time networking with old and new friends alike.


Thanks to everyone at Digital Dealer who helped organize another excellent show. And to all of the dealers who came to see us. See you in Tampa for the next Digital Dealer Conference!