Study: Web Is Fastest Growing Auto Information Source For Moms

From Digital Dealer, Thursday, January 31, 2008
Volume 3, issue 5

According to Experian Research Services, a market research company, a four year trend among automotive buyers suggests that the Web is the fastest growing source of vehicle information prior to buying a vehicle. This growth is contrary to other resources like word-of-mouth, television and automotive magazines, which have remained sluggish over the last four years. Additionally, moms were among consumers with the highest intent to purchase a vehicle in the next two years and most likely to rely on the Internet as part of their decision to purchase or lease.“If your audience is changing media sources and buying behaviors, you need to change your tactics to complement theirs,” explains Chris Wilson, president, Experian Research Services.“It (Experian automotive data) condenses a vast amount of information into orderly reports that are easy to manipulate, use and share,” said Mario Murgado, president and CEO, Miami Automotive Retail.,b4TSprpk

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